Thursday, March 26, 2009

Boycott the Greedy MTA

This time the MTA of New York City has gone too far. In the type of economy we are in the most affordable mode of transportation will soon be the most expensive. Sure this has been in the works for awhile, but many people thought that it would never happen..especially with so many people losing jobs every single day.

What's even more criminal then a $103 dollar monthly pass is the cutting of service, so now we are getting less for more..does this make sense to anyone else?

So I think it's time New Yorkers got a little payback - I mean we've had our service cut thanks to an MTA strike not too long ago (and the reason for that was money too)
The MTA seems to think they can take advantage of their passengers just because we actually NEED their service - Let's show them how wrong they are on June 9th (the day the fare increase is scheduled to take place) - do not take any MTA service unless you can't avoid it...That's right we are boycotting the MTA. Take a bike, walk, or hell even drive to work (It'll actually be cheaper after the fare hike).

It's not all bad news..even an MTA exec is telling us we should boycott.

If you are interested in participating in the boycott..leave your comment or you can contact the organizer of the event at

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