Thursday, October 23, 2008

Subway Etiquette 101: The Meaning of Stand Clear of the Closing Doors

For anyone who has ridden any NYC Subway, has heard the announcement, "Step in and stand clear of the closing doors." Well this lesson I am breaking into two parts.

Part 1: Step in -

Step in does not mean stand in front of the doors when you know you aren't getting off the train for 5 or 6 stops. There are so many times, like today for instance, that tons of people will stand in front of the door leaving tons of space in the middle of the train car.

This is upsurd, I can understand if you are getting off the next stop. But, if you are taking the train several stops, there is absolutely no reason why you can't step into the middle of the car.

Part 2: Stand clear of the closing doors -

In simple terms this means move your butts away from the door, so that the door can close, and the train can get you to your destination faster. I apologize if this seems to be a very common sense thing, but I swear passengers of the NYC Transit System are ridiculous.

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