Friday, December 5, 2008

Dealing With Big Crowds

In light of the incident at WalMart last Friday I feel like I have to make a comment about how things are being handled with that investigation. People seem to be blaming WalMart saying it was their fault that this man was trampled by the crowds. Whether there was enough security to deal with the crowd or not is not the issue, what I don't understand is how the people in the crowd aren't being blamed.

Crowd control is important but what about self-control? Aren't these people responsible for their own actions? What was the point of rushing into a store to go holiday shopping? Were the discounts going to end that quickly? I just think that it is a little insane that people seem to think that it's totally and completely WalMart's fault.

This goes for crowds in subways too. When someone gets pushed or shoved in a crowded subway car, is it the MTA's fault? I sincerely doubt it!

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